Inspire Music Program

It has been proved that music plays a significant factor in impacting both child’s cognitive development and learning progress. Music stimulates the various senses and helps children in learning and improving language skills.

The music that we introduce to the children has a large emphasis on cross-cultural musical diversity, with a mixture of English, Mandarin and traditional songs from around the world, .

Music also develops listening, reading and writing skills, improving the fluency of speech, and communication. Through singing songs, children can learn new words in a fun way and of course, learn how to pronounce them.

In Inspire, we apply the Orff music approach into our teaching and learning practice in our music sessions, which provides opportunities for children to engages their mind and body through a mixture of singing, dancing, acting and the use of percussion instruments. A key characteristic of this approach is that lessons are presented with an element of play, which helps the children learn at their own level of understanding. Improvisation, composition and a child’s natural sense of play are encouraged. children learn about rhythm, melody, harmony, texture, form and other elements of music. children learn these concepts by speaking, chanting, singing, dancing, movement, acting and playing instruments.

These learned concepts become springboards for further creative pursuits such as improvisation or composing their own music.

All the children love our music time!